Design Sponge | March 2008
For the past few years, artists working in brooklyn seem to have had a particular fascination with creating more permanent, decorative versions of everyday throw-away containers. my first encounter with this style was lorena barrezueta’s gourmet dishware collection in 2004and it seems the trend is continuing well in 2008 with this new collection from designer virginia sin. based in brooklyn, virginia recently launched her collection of porcelain “paper plates“. to create her series, virginia shredded actual paper plates, (which were previously used to mold the plates) and then combined the paper pulp with porcelain slip to create her own unique batch of environmentally sound paperclay (which requires only one firing, as opposed to several with traditional clay). the porcelain paper plates have such a wonderful delicate feel to them and, according to virginia, are actually as light and thin as actual paper plates. virginia’s microwave and dishwasher safe plates will be shown at design within reachon april 24th as part of their ‘modern+design+function’ exhibition next month. click herefor more information.